Lay my head tonight…
So far the most tedious part of our trip is finding accommodation for each night. We are having lovely spring weather, and the days are …
So far the most tedious part of our trip is finding accommodation for each night. We are having lovely spring weather, and the days are …
We’ve spent three and a half days in Belgrade. After 8 days on the road, completing 510 kilometres, we decided to spend the weekend off …
March the 6th, 2015. I am fiddling with my sole bag on the rack as it slides off a bit despite the fact that I …
Első két napunkon barátok kísértek minket Szekszárdig. Sajnos a napközbeni kocsmázós felvételeink VALAHOGY eltűntek… így csak az uncsi biciklizőseket tudjuk prezentálni nektek. Jó móka volt! …
És akkor egy reggel felébredtünk, és elkezdtünk biciklizni… :) And then one morning we woke up and got on our bikes… :)
Mindketten rajongunk a könyvekért. Programjainkban az első pillanattól kiemelt helyet kapott a közös olvasás, s most, a készülődés heteiben is minden héten bekerül a naptárba …
ZSOLT: I think my main concerns at the moment are: illness and injuries. The first two are elements that can seriously delay, and if it …
ZSOLT: I think as a country, I am mostly looking forward to be in Iran. According to all the travel books and journals, it’s a …
“Are you guys sure about this?” “Yup.” “But it’s pitch black and there’s not a single soul in a 2-3 mile radius!” “Yeah, that’s just …