DAY#205 – Bangkok Moments
Bicajozás Bangkokban. Egy thai motoros srác elkapta, ahogy próbálok beilleszkedni a Bangkoki csúcsforgalomba. Paparazzi shot: Biking in Bangkok. A random thai guy on a scooter …
Bicajozás Bangkokban. Egy thai motoros srác elkapta, ahogy próbálok beilleszkedni a Bangkoki csúcsforgalomba. Paparazzi shot: Biking in Bangkok. A random thai guy on a scooter …
Sitting in Osh and looking at the map I was once again caught up in feverish planning. Because, remember, I can plan so well in …
Warm-up Wednesday afternoon I rolled in to the Half Crescent station (that’s the local Red Cross) all rested and mentally ready. Mentally, as I haven’t …
Teker, teker, teker. Dromedárok. Teker, teker, teker. Ez volt Türlmenisztán. De legalább jó társaságban telt, Leonie-val és Philippel a Weltradlenker párosával. Spin, spin, spin. Dromedars. …
Hello, our Dear Readers! Before I vanish in the thick Turkmen fog, I’ll try to summarise my thoughts in light of the big news and …
The gist of it is this: I realised – more like I feel – that for me, the trip length of 4-6 months seems to …
And so I turned 30! If I could have been anywhere in the world this day, I would have been in Budapest with my friends, …
It was 2AM and we just got off the bus in Esfahan, struggling our bikes out from the enormous belly of the bus. A lady …
ITT magyarul is elolvashatod. Shortly after arriving in Shiraz, Zsolt has decided that it’s time to visit the barber. The neighboring stores and customers, passers …